Rush B Private Skirms

Here you can get a price estimation for a private skirm at the Rush B CQB Arena.

Please take into account that at least half the players need to have their own gear and airsoft experience. Stay tuned for private group rental packages coming soon!

Manage Your Own Game Modes

Without the Rush B Electronic Game Mode System

You will manage your own game modes without supervision from Rush B.

Item Price
Base Price 3H €180
Base Price Per Player €6
Per Extra Hour €80
Base Price: €180
Rush B Manages the Game Modes

Using the Rush B Electronic Game Mode System

Rush B will actively supervise to balance the games and select the next game mode based on group preferences.

Item Price
Base Price 3H €240
Per Player €6
Per Extra Hour €90
Base Price: €240
€0.00 total
€0.00 per player

Contact Rush B via Email or WhatsApp for booking.

In case your player amount or desired amount of hours exceeds the maximum values on this page - please contact Rush B directly to discuss the options.